
What Changes Will I Feel In My Mouth With Braces?

If you’re thinking about getting braces in order to straighten your teeth, improve the appearance of your smile, and make it easier to brush and floss your teeth, you may be wondering about the changes that you will experience during the first few days and weeks of the teeth straightening process. Here at Melbourne Orthodontics, our orthodontist in Melbourne, Fl wants to help you make the transition as smooth as possible by letting you know about some of the common changes you will feel in your mouth once they have been affixed to your teeth.

1. Chapped Lips

When your braces are first affixed to your teeth, your mouth treats them like food. This can cause excess salivation. You may also find yourself running your tongue over your brackets and holding your lips open. This can contribute to the development of chapped lips for the first few days after you get them affixed to your teeth. Lip moisturizers and balms can help alleviate dry, cracked lips until your mouth acclimates.

2. Sore Cheeks and Tongue

While there is no pain when you get them to put onto your teeth, you may start to notice some discomfort with your cheeks and tongue. This is because your mouth needs time to adjust to the extra space taken up by the brackets. As you talk and chew, your cheeks and tongue may rub against the metal, causing sores and slight abrasions. If you are feeling discomfort related to something that feels a little rough, that is likely just due to your lips and cheeks not being acclimated yet. If you are feeling something sharp, it could be a wire that got bent or has moved. Sharp wires are usually best taken care of by your orthodontist. However, you can apply dental wax to the wire or bracket that is bothering you to help you get by. After the first week, your cheeks usual toughen to the point where they are no longer irritated by your braces.

3. Discomfort After Tightening

Your braces will need to be tightened by our orthodontist in Melbourne about every six weeks. After they have been tightened, you may notice some discomfort that lasts for a few hours to two or three days. In order to help alleviate pain, you may want to switch to a soft diet that is similar to the diet you ate just after getting them on. Over-the-counter pain relievers and applying ice to any areas of your mouth that are particularly sore can also help reduce pain and discomfort. If you experience significant pain, you can call our orthodontist for additional pain-relieving tips and ideas.

4. Your Teeth May Feel Loose

Orthodontics work by moving your teeth to their ideal locations. In order for this to happen, your teeth have to loosen in their sockets, which can make you feel like your teeth are excessively loose. This is a perfectly normal part of the teeth straightening process. However, if you feel like one or more teeth are exceptionally loose, you can call our orthodontist in Melbourne, FL to schedule an appointment to ensure that your braces are working as intended and that you are not experiencing any unusual complications.

Learn More About Braces with Our Melbourne, FL Orthodontist

If you are thinking about having your teeth straightened, Dr. Reddick can help you choose the right teeth straightening method for your needs, tell you more about braces, and explain what to expect during the first few days and months of your treatment. At Melbourne Orthodontics, we offer traditional braces and clear aligners, like Invisalign. The ideal teeth straightening method for you will depend on your goals, the severity of your teeth alignment problems, and your lifestyle.

To schedule an appointment for traditional metal, clear ceramic or invisible braces in Melbourne with our orthodontist, call us today at 321-254-5232.