
National Brush Your Teeth Day – A Reminder to Follow the 2×2 Rule

In case you missed it, November 1st was National Brush Your Teeth Day. Did you remember to brush your teeth? If you’re in the habit of regular oral care, no doubt you did. If you have braces, this is especially important since it’s even easier for food residue to become stuck to your teeth and start the process of decay.

Give your teeth an extra brush in honor of National Brush Your Teeth Day! And remember the ‘2×2’ rule of tooth brushing: Brush two times a day, for two minutes each time. But there’s no penalty marks for brushing more often! In fact, we recommend to our patients wearing braces to brush after each meal or snack, plus every morning and night. It may sound like a lot of brushing, but it beats having food stuck in your braces, bad breath, or decay!

Whether you have braces it or not, the importance of brushing your teeth regularly can’t be overstated. So even though National Brush Your Teeth Day has passed, keep up the routine and brush your teeth each and every day. You’ll have healthy, happy teeth to show for it long past November 1st.