
The Dangers of DIY Orthodontics

It might surprise you to learn that DIY Orthodontics are now a major trend online. Preteens and young teens have actually straightened their own teeth, without the benefit of an orthodontist, using items from around the house. Are DIY braces safe? The answer is “absolutely not!” and for many reasons. In fact, it’s incredibly dangerous. Here’s what you need to know about DIY braces and their dangers.

What Are Do It Yourself Braces?

DIY braces are made from a variety of items commonly found in the home. Some common ingredients include metal earring backs, paper clips, dental floss, rubber bands, quilting thread, or fishing line. The earring backs are fixed to the teeth using super glue or other adhesives and then connected with the other materials.

What Are The Dangers of DIY Orthodontics?

DIY braces are a serious danger for anyone who tries them. Some of the dangers include:

Missing Materials

First, the materials tend to shift in unexpected ways. Many teenagers say that their makeshift brackets or wires seem to have fallen out during the night — but in reality, those pieces may have migrated to the gums and gotten trapped. This can cause serious infection.

Lack of Planning

Another reason that DIY braces are so dangerous is that they’re not properly planned. When your orthodontist plans metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign for you, they design a tooth movement plan with the help of state of the art computer programs and their extensive background in orthodontics. With this extensive planning, you’ll have a projection of what to expect before you start wearing braces. With DIY braces, anything could (and usually does) happen. Improper planning (or complete lack thereof, as in the case of DIY braces) can mean that your teeth shift, but not in the right direction. You could just as easily move your teeth too far inwards, outwards, or towards each other until they overlap even worse than before.

Damaged Teeth and Ligaments

When you get braces or an invisible teeth straightening system like Invisalign, you’re influencing bone development and movement in a very controlled way to ensure that your teeth and ligaments aren’t damaged in any way. However, with DIY teeth straightening, you’re very likely damaging your teeth, gums, and the ligaments that hold them in place. You could easily damage your teeth so badly that you lose them, which will be an expensive and complicated problem long-term.

Damaged Enamel

The enamel on your teeth is seriously damaged when you use super glue or other similar adhesives on it. When your orthodontist applies braces, they use proven dental bonding materials that won’t damage your enamel. When your braces come off, you won’t have to worry about damaged enamel. With invisible braces, there are no brackets at all.

The New Braces: Why They’re Better Than Ever Before

Braces are sophisticated orthodontic treatments that are carefully customized for your individual needs. Caring for your teeth after braces is just as important as the orthodontic process. Whether you opt for metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign, you’re getting the benefit of state of the art planning and treatment. Today’s braces are lighter, smaller, faster, and easier to wear than they have ever been.

There’s also the long-range view to consider: With DIY braces, you could easily cause so much damage to your teeth that you might spend the rest of your life paying for it, both financially and health-wise.

Many kids who try DIY braces say that they tried the DIY method because of money, but there are a few reasons that’s not a valid reason for doing your own braces. First, teeth straightening is now more affordable than it’s been in the past. You can finance the braces in affordable monthly installments, for example, instead of paying for them all at once up front.

Ditch The DIY Orthodontics 

Talk to the friendly professionals at Melbourne Orthodontics about your options for teeth straightening in Melbourne. There’s never a good reason to resort to DIY when it comes to braces, so contact us today and schedule your consultation now!