
Safe Eating Habits with Braces

When patients decide to work with an orthodontist in Melbourne, FL to achieve that perfect smile, one of the first questions we always hear is, “What can I eat?” If you opt for traditional wire braces, invisible braces, or Invisalign in Melbourne, you will have to make some dietary changes. It is important to achieve safe eating habits with braces. This is true for the months when your teeth are being adjusted. The rules are different if you’re wearing braces versus using the Invisalign clear aligner system, so we’ll tackle this answer in two parts.

Diet and Invisible Braces in Melbourne, FL

The rules are pretty much the same for braces, whether you’re wearing traditional wire braces or the more popular invisible braces. Aside from the initial adjustment to braces as you learn how to chew with them in your mouth, the good news is the list of foods you can eat will expand after the first few days. It gets better over time!

When You First Get Braces

The first few days after your braces are installed by the orthodontist in Melbourne, you will need to stick to a strictly soft food diet. This can include:

  • Soups, oatmeal & mashed potatoes
  • Seafood
  • Soft fruits
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Soft cheeses
  • Moist desserts, such as pudding
  • Cooked pasta

Avoid the following foods the first few days after you get your invisible braces in Melbourne, FL:

  • Ice cream
  • Spicy foods
  • Citrus foods
  • Chewy cuts of meat, such as chicken or steak
  • Thick rolls or breads

After the first few days, you can start adding those things to your diet once you’ve adjusted to the braces.

Once You Adjust to Braces

Even after the initial adjustment period, there are still a number of food types you should avoid for the duration of wearing braces. This is to ensure the wires or bands on your braces don’t come loose. If this happens, it will prompt an immediate emergency visit to Melbourne Orthodontics. We appreciate your business. However, we really recommend you avoid “extra” trips to the orthodontist in Melbourne by avoiding this list of foods:

  • Crunchy fruits & vegetables (cook them or grind them into a smoothie!)
  • Hard or chewy candies
  • Crunchy snacks like chips, pretzels, or crackers
  • Ice
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Sugary foods & drinks
  • Pizza crust (you can eat the toppings, but not the crust)

Also remember that chewing gum is the permanent enemy of your braces. Avoid it at all costs. The good news is that the restrictions are temporary. Your braces will eventually come off and you can go back to eating everything on the list. You’ll have that perfect smile you’ve always wanted on top of your reclaimed dietary freedom.

Diet and Invisalign in Melbourne, FL

Invisalign in Melbourne, FL is extremely popular among adults and working professionals. This is because no one has to know your teeth are being adjusted. The custom aligners of Invisalign are virtually invisible, as the name implies. There are some dietary rules you’ll need to follow in order to achieve success, and those rules are not as restrictive as the ones for braces. In fact, you can eat almost anything you want as long as you take the aligners out for the meal.

A big adjustment you’ll have to make with Invisalign is planning out your meals. The aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours every day. You can take them out for meals and to brush and floss your teeth, but then they should be put back in place. This doesn’t actually leave a lot of time in a day for meals. Imagine how easy it is to break this rule if you go to a weekend social gathering, such as a barbecue or potluck, and forget to put the aligners back in after you eat. A good strategy is to plan for a quick meal, and then sneak off to brush your teeth and put the aligners right back in.

Water needs to become your new best friend while using Invisalign. Any type of colored drink — especially coffee — can easily stain the aligners. And just like with braces, you will want to avoid chewing gum completely. Chewing a piece of gum can cause your teeth to damage the aligners, which defeats their whole purpose of adjusting your teeth properly.

Contact Us for Invisible Braces or Invisalign in Melbourne, FL

If you’re ready to adjust your teeth and achieve a perfect smile, give our office in Melbourne a call at (321) 254-5232 or contact us online today. Your friendly orthodontist in Melbourne will be ready to discuss which system is right for you.